1) what is that hairstyle called? a) a bun b) a ponytail c) a bob d) a plait 2) very attractive, impressive or surprising a) stunning b) stylish c) slender d) spiky 3) not talking much about your own abilities, good qualities etc. a) shy b) stubborn c) modest d) assertive 4) a holiday where you stay in a house or a flat and cook for yourself a) a city break b) a couch tour c) a staycation d) a self-catering holiday 5) a piece of equipment on a train, bus, plane that you can put bags, suitcases in or on a) a luggage rack b) an overhead locker c) a pier d) a runway 6) the ability to do sth that involves a lot of physical or mental effort for a long time a) team spirit b) commitment c) stamina d) discipline 7) a toe is... a) numb b) unwell c) bruised d) swollen 8) to destroy sth or damage it badly a) to evacuate b) to die out c) to devastate d) to aid 9) the process in which areas of the countryside become part of towns and cities a) overpopulation b) unemployment c) underdevelopment d) urbanization 10) cruelty to a person or animal a) mistreatment b) misfortune c) misbehaviour d) misunderstanding

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