1) I have a tail, I can fly. I can whistle and I can talk. Who am I? a) Peacock b) Parrot c) Pigeon 2) I am an animal, I can swim and dive. I have two legs, wings and I quack . Who am I ? a) Duck b) Turtle c) Penguin 3) I am a large bird and have a long curved neck. I sleep with one of my long thin legs. Who am I ? a) Owl b) Ostrich c) Flamingo 4) I am very big and grey. I have 2 big ears and a long nose. Who am I ? a) b) c) 5) I give you wool and keep you warm in winters . Can you guess who am I ? a) Hen b) Sheep c) Pig 6) I live in the sea, I move slowly. I don't have fins but I have five arms. Who am I ? a) crab b) Jellyfish c) Starfish 7) I am horse, but I don't eat hay and I cannot run . What am I? a) Seahorse b) Walrus c) Seal 8) I have got lumps on my back and I live on the sand. I am strong and carry you on the land. Who am I ? a) Goat b) Camel c) Bear 9) I am soft and fluffy. I rub against people and say ''Meow, Meow ''. Who am I ? a) Cat b) Dog c) Cow 10) I am a bird but I can't fly. I have two wings , I can swim. Can you guess. Who am I? a) Pigeon b) Peacock c) Penguin

All about animals and birds


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