____ Monday ____ Wednesday ____ Friday ____ Winter - ____ January ____; Spring - ____ April ____; Summer - June ____ ____; Autumn - ____ ____ November one ____ three ____ ____ six seven ____ nine ____ eleven twelve ____ ____ fifteen sixteen seventeen ____ ____ twenty my dad's wife is my ____ my mum's husband is my ____ my dad's father is my ____ my mum's mother is my ____ my parents's son is my ____ my parent's daughter is my ____ my uncle and aunt's children are my ____ my mother's sister is my ____ my father's brother is my ____ ____ - красный; ____ - жёлтый; ____ - оранжевый; ____ - черный; ____ - белый; ____ - зелёный; ____ - коричневый; ____ - голубой; ____ - розовый; ____ - серый This is Tom. ____ has got a computer. ____ computer is very old. This is Fluffy. ____ is a cat. ____ bowl is always full of milk. This is Kate. ____ has got a car. ____ car is new. Children are at school. ____ have lessons. They are writing ____ tests. My sister and I are happy today. ____ celebrate a birthday and receive ____ presents. Child - ____ ; Leaf - ____; Butterfly - ____ Person - ____ ; Berry - ____ Scarf - ____ ; Day - ____ Family - ____ ; Wife - ____ Witch - ____ ; Dish - ____ Box - ____ ; Man - ____ What time is it? - It is ... 12: 20 - ... ____; 5: 05 - ... ____ 1: 45 - ... ____; 10: 50 - ... ____ 8 :00 - ... ____; 9: 10 - ____ 4: 55 - ____; 3: 30 - ____ 7: 25 - ____; 11: 40 - ____ 6: 35 - ____; 2: 15 - ____


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