achieved - We _____ a dream with this lucky victory., beach - We go to the _____ each day, as we live by the sea., being - Thank you for _____ such a great pal., believes - The team ____ that they can beat the leading team., bleeding - He fell in the street and his leg is ______., ceiling - There was a leak, and rain dripped from the ____., chief - A village leader may be named the village ______., compete - The athlete will _____ in three events., defeated - My team played well but was still ______., delete - I can ____ my spelling mistake on the laptop., evening - The _____ meal may be called "dinner" or "tea"., even - Fifteen is an odd number and sixteen is ______., female - Both male and ______ ostriches sit on their eggs., foggy - When it is _____ in winter, it can be tricky to see., frisbee - We like to play with a ______ at the beach., happy - I will be ____ when I can see my best mates again., lollies - Dentists say eating _____ is bad for teeth., mostly - It will be ______ sunny today, but rain this evening., neatly - He _____ tucked in the sheets on his bed., protein - Meat, cheese and nuts have a lot of ____., receive - I will be happy when I ____ my package., seasons - Spring, summer and winter are three of the _____., seize - "Don't hesitate and fret!" Mum says, "_____ the day!", sweeping - To clean the street, he is ______ it., theme - The film was on a dull ____ and had a weak plot., thief - She has taken my bag! Yeek! Stop, _____!, toffees - ____ are a yummy treat made of butter and sugar., genes - Your body's ____ are 50% from mum, 50% from dad., belly - My dog likes me to rub his ____., fields - I can sprint for the length of two footy _____.,
2. EE sound spelt ee, ea, e, e...e, y, ie, ei
Year 2
Special education
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