I work ____ a circus ____. I have ____ travel a ____ and practise ____, but I love ____! How ____ I get the ____? I could ____ when I was six. Then, ____ I was ____, I went to a ____ school. There aren't ____ animals in my circus – ____ I don’t ____ to train ____ … But it can ____ be ____ when you’re juggling ____ knives ____ with fire! I work ____ a chocolate ____. My job is to ____ new types of chocolate. I have ____ give them a ____ out ____ ten. I ____ write down ____ taste, for ____: sweet, ____, or bitter. You ____ have to have any ____ training to ____ the job, but you have to ____ chocolate! It's a ____ job, but ____ year I had to visit the ____ six ____! I ____ as a games ____. I test the different ____ of ____ game, and I have to write down ____ problems. It’s ____, but it can be ____. Last week I had ____ test a really ____ kids game ____ and again! You don't ____ to be an ____ to do the job but you have to ____ good ____ computer games. I’m ____ computing ____ the evening because I’d ____ to become a programmer

GG4 Unit 2.5 reading missing words


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