Farming is the only game in town in a rural place like this. - The only thing of its kind available in a particular place or industry., It's like a ghost town on the weekends. - a deserted town with few or no remaining inhabitants., I can't wait to graduate high school and get out of this boring, one-horse town! - A very small and unremarkable town that is typically regarded as dull or boring., You're coming to visit this week? Get out of town! I'm so excited! - An expression of surprise or disbelief., The kids sure went to town on those cupcakes—there's none left. - To do something successfully and/or with great enthusiasm., News of her crime was all over town by the end of the day. - Known or shared by many people in a city or town., It's usually the out-of-towner who ends up lost.a person who is from outside a particular town or city. - a person who is from outside a particular town or city.,


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