1) 1. I______to like cooking very much. a) didn't use b) wasn't used c) not used 2) 2. Did he________to study French? a) used b) get used c) use 3) 3. I_______getting up early, so I don't mind doing it. a) used to b) am used to c) would 4) 4. Is he______to studying Spanish? a) used b) get used c) use 5) 5. I_______to living in a big city. a) am getting used b) am used c) am use 6) 6. She didn’t________snowboarding because she gave up after one lesson. a) got use to b) get used to c) used to 7) 7. When I lived in Italy, we______go to a little restaurant near our house. a) would b) get used to c) are used to 8) 8. She______travel around the world if she had more vacation time. a) used to b) is getting used to c) would 9) 9. My little daughter_______eating lunch at noon. So she was grumpy yesterday when we didn't eat until one. a) used to b) is used to c) get used to 10) 10. ______your friend______the noise from the construction site next to her office? a) Is , get used to b) Did , use to c) Is , used to

Life Changes (used to, be used to, get used to, would)


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