1) Roe v Wade a) Gay marriage b) Interrogation in policing c) Abortion d) Gun Laws e) Flag Burning f) recount of votes 2) Obergefell v Hodges a) Interrogation in policing b) Abortion c) Gay Marriage d) Gun Laws e) Flag burning f) recount of votes 3) Texas v Johnson a) Interrogation in policing b) Flag Burning c) Gay marriage d) recount of votes e) gun laws f) Abortion 4) District of Columbia v Heller a) Abortion b) recount of votes c) flag burning d) Gun laws e) Interrogation in policing f) Gay marriage 5) Bush v Gore a) recount of votes b) Flag burning c) Gay marriage d) Abortion e) Gun Laws f) Interrogation in policing 6) Miranda v Arizona a) Recount of votes b) Flag burning c) Gay marriage d) Gun Laws e) Interrogation in policing f) Abortion

WEEK 3 POL APPLY - Court rulings quiz


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