1) You ________ spend so long on the computer. a) will b) shouldn't 2) They _____ stop their behaviour. a) should b) will 3) I __________ do Zumba. It sounds fun. a) should b) shouldn't 4) You _____ knock before you enter my room. a) should b) can 5) You ______ take off your shoes when you enter the room. a) must b) musn't 6) You _____ make the bed after you have waken from your sleep. a) must b) musn't 7) You _____ post photos of people without their permission. a) must b) mustn't 8) You ____ get other people's permission before posting their photos. a) must b) musn't 9) Rosie ______ help her sister when she needs her help. a) must b) mustn't 10) We _____ be friendly to the new girl at school. a) must b) mustn't

Pulse 2: Unit 9 (Modal Verbs)


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