There was a crow who was very thirsty., He flew from place to place looking for water., He was sad because he could not get a drop of water., At last, he saw a pitcher below a tree., Although he tried to reach for the water, he failed., He could not reach the water because it was at the bottom of the pitcher., Suddenly, he saw some pebbles on the ground., He had an idea to put the pebbles into the pitcher., So, he can reach the water with his beak., Then, he put the pebbles into the pitcher., After that, the water started to rise to the top., Finally, he can quench his thirst., He was happy because his plan worked!, He flew away happily., The moral of the story is if there is a will, there is a way.,

Unit 8: A Thirsty Crow (How the Tiger Got Its Stripes)


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