Positive: I am watching TV now., You are doing homework right now., She is playing in the garden at the moment., He is listening to music., The dog is barking at the moment., They are talking about sport now., We are sitting in the classroom right now., You are buying tickets right now., Negative: I'm not watching TV now., You aren't doing homework right now., She isn't playing in the garden at the moment., He isn't listening to music., The dog isn't barking at the moment., They aren't talking about sport now., We aren't sitting in the classroom right now., You aren't buying tickets right now., Question: Am I watching TV now?, Are you doing homework right now?, Is she playing in the garden right now?, Is he listening to music?, Is the dog barking at the moment?, Are they talking about sport now?, Are we sitting in the classroom right now?, Are you buying tickets right now?,


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