Biopsychosocial model - Interactive approach applied to specific phobias, Biological factors - Gaba dysfunction, role of stress response, LTP , Psychological factors - classical and operant conditioning, cognitive bias; memory and catastrophic thinking, Social factors - specific environmental triggers and stigma around treatment , Biological intervention - GABA agonists, breathing retraining, exercise , Psychological intervention - CBT and systematic desensitisation , Social interventions - psychoeducation for families/support , Psychoeducation - Education that challenges unrealistic or anxious thoughts and avoidance behaviours, Short activing GABA agonists - Group of drugs (agents) that have anti-anxiety and sleep inducing properties. , Breathing retraining - an anxiety mmanagement technique that involves teaching correct breathing habits when exposed to a phobic stimulus. , Exercise - Alters brain chemistry by promoting release of mood enhancing (feel good) endorphins. , Cognitive behaviour therapy - Change the thinking and behaviours that perpetuate the phobia and improve coping skills. , Systematic desensitisation - behavioural therapy for specific phobias relies mainly on treatment involving gradual and repeated exposure to phobic stimulus. , Cumulative risk - refers to multiple exposure to multiple biological, social and psychological factors. , Anxiety - is a state of arousal involving feelings of apprehension, worry or uneasiness that something is wrong or something unpleasant is about to happen. , Stress - state of physiological and psychological arousal produced by internal and external stressors that are perceived by the individual as not manageable. , Phobia - characterised by excessive or unreasonable fear of a particular object or situation. , Specific Phobia - is a disorder characterised by marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation. , Classical conditioning - Precipitated psychological factor used to explain the development of a phobia due to association. , Operant conditioning - Psychological factor that perpetuates the phobia through avoidance and negative reinforcement. ,
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