Chairman - Somebody that leads the meeting, Timekeeper - Somebody that manages the time, Secretary - Somebody that records the meeting, Present - Used to signify the presence during the meeting, Adjourn - A word used to end the meeting, Agenda - The list of topics/objectives for the meeting, AGM - Annual general meeting, Adress - To speak about a subject, AOB (any other business) - To talk about some subject that hasn't been listed on the agenda., Ballot - A vote which is normally conducted anonymously, Boardroom - A room which is typically used for meetings, Minute - A written record of everything that was said at the meeting, Fiscal Year - Refers to a period of 12 months or 52 consecutive weeks, which financial reports are prepared, Income tax - Tax levied by governments, PAYE - A tax which is deducted before you receive your wage or salary., Boom - Increased activity in a sector, industry, or particular market., Bust - When a company or even an economy goes bankrupt., Deficit - When profits aren't made, Surplus - When profits are made, Stagnation - The lack of growth, movement, or development., Currency - System of currency in use in a general country, Exchange rates - The value of one currency with the purpose of converting to another.,

Business English - Idioms


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