1) Comets revolve around a) Venus b) Sun c) No single heavenly body d) Earth 2) The altitudes of heavenly bodies appear to be greater than they actually are. This is due to a) These are visible because of light of the sun reflected from their surface b) Motions of the earth c) Atmospheric refraction d) Vertical motion of these heavenly bodies 3) What is the most massive star known so far? a) Sun b) Altair c) Proxima Centauri d) Eta Carinae 4) How many planets are there in our solar system? a) Nine b) Eight c) Two d) One 5) Which planet has draft a) Pluto b) Mars c) Neptune 6) Which air protect us from sun ultra violet rays a) Troposphere b) Ozone c) Exosphere d) Mesosphere 7) Tell the percentage of oxygen in earth 🌍 a) 2% b) 12% c) 31% d) 21% 8) Tell who I am  - I am the blanket of air which surrounds the earth a) Atemosphere b) Atmocpher c) Atmosphere 9) All planets come from which 🌟 a) Moon b) Sun c) Pluto 10) Who I am - I am very hot and big from all a) Moon b) Sun c) Jupiter 11) Who I am- I have a ring around me a) Saturn b) Neptune c) Venus 12) Who I am - I am unique from all a) Mars b) Earth c) Sun 13) In which planet we all live a) Earth b) India c) Mars 14) Didi you like my quiz a) Yes b) No


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