1) What's this? a) burger b) chicken legs c) cola 2) What's this? a) cream b) fresh vegetables c) grapes 3) What's this? a) lemonade b) mineral water c) cola 4) What's this? a) pasta with tomato sauce b) mushroom c) fresh vegetables 5) What are these? a) soft drinks b) fresh vegetables c) chicken legs 6) What's this? a) mushroom b) burger c) pasta with tomato sauce 7) What's this? a) cream b) salad c) grapes 8) What's this? a) mineral water b) cola c) lemonade 9) What's this? a) strawberry b) grapes c) burger 10) What are these? a) fresh vegetables b) chicken legs c) soft drinks 11) What are these? a) soft drinks b) fresh vegetables c) chicken legs 12) What's this? a) grapes b) burgers c) mushrooms 13) What's this? a) chicken legs b) cola c) pasta with tomato sauce

U-11 Vocab: Food 1


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