This is a ____ of a bedroom. I can ____ two ____ in the ____. I ____ it’s a ____ and her ____. They are ____ at ____. I ____ the boy is 11 or 12 ____. ____ he’s doing his ____. He is ____ at the ____ and he’s got a ____ and a computer ____ him. On the ____ I can ____ some ____ on the shelves. In the ____ there are some more ____ and there are ____ CDs in the ____of them. On the ____ we can ____ the boy. He’s ____and his mother is ____ at his work. I think his ____looks ____. maybe she’s ____ what the boy is ____. He’s ____ a pen and he ____ confused. My mom also ____ me with my ____ sometimes.

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