- Let's play an ____ game, Suzy! What's this animal? It's a ____ cat. It's ____ and black.- That's easy. It's a ____. - Yes, very good. What now? This animal is big and grey. - It's a ____. - No, it's big and grey with a long ____. - It's an elephant. - Ok. What's brown and yellow with a small head? - Is it a ____? - No, it isn't. - I know, it's a ____. - What's this? It's long and green and ... - Is it a ____? - No, it isn't. The animal is big, long, green and ... - I know! It's a ____! - Now it's my turn. What's this? It's small and white with red ____ and a big ____. - It's a Simon! - Very funny, Suzy. Thank you. -


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