... danced in the rain? I have/I have never..., ... sang in a Karaoke? I have/I have never..., ...lied to a friend? I have/I have never..., ...ate two burgers in the same meal? I have.../I have never..., ...went popular online? I have.../I have never..., ...gone to an amusement park? I have.../I have never..., ...pretended to be sick for attention? I have.../I have never..., ...lied about your age? I have.../I have never..., ...fallen out of the bed in the middle of the night? I have.../I have never..., ...seen a shooting star? I have.../I have never..., ...been on an helicopter? I have.../I have never..., ...had a bloody nose? I have.../I have never..., ...read a whole book in one day? I have.../I have never..., ...climbed a tree? I have.../I have never....

Never have I ever


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