1) What unit of measure do you use to measure the weight of potatoes? a) metres b) centimetres c) degrees Celsius d) kilograms e) litres f) grams 2) I am orange and long, I am...? a) apple b) pear c) carrot d) peach e) melon f) onion 3) Which calculation equals 6 + 6 a) 4 x 4 b) 6 x 6 c) 6 ÷ 2 d) 4 x 3 e) 6 - 6 f) 4 - 3 4) 1/2 of 24 grams is a) 6 grams b) 12 grams c) 24 grams d) 3 grams e) 18 grams f) 10 grams 5) How much money do I need? a) 5 euro b) 4 euro c) 6 euro d) 10 euro e) 9 euro f) 25 euro 6) Select the number which comes next in this sequence: 36, 33, 30, 27, 24, ... a) 21 b) 22 c) 20 d) 18 e) 12 f) 6 7) What number is represented by the arrow on this number line? a) 27 b) 37 c) 35 d) 38 e) 65 f) 40 8) What time does this clock show? a) 25 to 12 b) 20 past 1 c) 5 o'clock d) 25 past 12 e) 5 past 5 f) 25 past 1 9) Don’t forget to say... a) fast or too slow. b) PLEASE and THANK YOU. c) any smartphone. 10) What are colors of Bulgarian and Italian flags a) blue, green, red b) yellow, red, green c) white, green, red d) blue, white, red e) purple, yellow f) blue


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