1) Can you describe two parts of hospital? 2) Can you name nursing staff? 3) Who is consultant? 4) What are some of the nurses tasks? 5) Where would you go with problems with skin? Who would treat it? 6) Which deparment would you need to be treated at after knee surgery? 7) Where do women go who are going to have a baby? Which people would look after her? 8) Who performs operations and where? 9) Where would you go if you have pain when peeing? 10) Who helps to move patients, furniture and other stuff around the hospital? 11) Which departmen do children go when they are sick? 12) Is there any department where you would/wouldn´t like to work in future? 13) Which department do you need to go with strong headaches? What else is treated there? 14) If there is a suspicion for a fracture, which departments will you go to? 15) Name as many departments as you can.

Hospital and wards


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