1) It is a part of the plant. It is colourful to attract insects. a) Roots b) Stem c) Leaves d) Flower 2) It is a part of the plant. It holds the plant up. a) Roots b) Stem c) Leaves d) FLower 3) It is a part of the plant. It fixes the plant to the soil. a) Roots b) Stem c) Leaves d) Flower 4) It is a part of the plant. It takes IN sunlight and air to make the food. a) Roots b) Stem c) Leaves d) Flower 5) It is a part of the plant. It produces seeds. a) Roots b) Stem c) Leaves d) Flower 6) Plants need ... to live. It is brown and the roots are fixed in it. a) Air b) Soil c) Water d) Sunlight 7) Plants need ... to live. They are necessary to make the plant food. a) Air b) Soil c) Water d) Sunlight

Parts of the plant. Functions.


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