1) I ... information on the computer. a) look up b) look after c) look 2) I am ... the answer to your question now. a) looking after b) looking up c) looking 3) I ... information about China for homework last night. a) will look up b) am looking up c) looked up 4) I want to ... a hobby. a) take in b) take up c) take after 5) I ... the baby now. a) will look after b) looked after c) am looking after 6) Ben ... his cousin Larry. a) takes in b) takes after c) takes up 7) She ... for a new bike. a) is coming off b) is putting away c) is saving up 8) ... your toys ... now! a) Put / away b) Come / off c) Save / up 9) I tried telling a few jokes but the didn't ... . a) look after b) come off c) save up 10) It took me months to ... enough money to go travelling. a) save up b) look after c) put away


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