1) There is a new canteen at my school. Everyone loves .... there. a) having lunch b) playing sports c) doing experiments 2) My parents get angry when I wake up late and .... a class in the morning. a) improve b) leave c) miss 3) He is the top Maths student in his class-he always gets good ...... a) gaps b) grades c) prizes 4) You learn about countries and continents in ........ a) History b) Georaphy c) Phisics 5) You can borrow book from... a) lab b) canteen c) library 6) ...... is a type of school for very little children. a) primary b) secondary c) kindergarten 7) Special clothes you wear to school or work are called .... a) uniform b) dress c) suit 8) You don`t have to pay for anything if you go to .... a) state b) private c) mixed 9) About twenty percent of the pupils ..... their exams every year. a) miss b) fail c) lose 10) My brother wants to ..... school when he is 16 years old. a) leave b) miss c) start 11) Come on. Let`s run to school! We don`t want to ...... late! a) do b) get c) be 12) Please be quiet. Paul is ......... for his exams. a) taking b) revising c) passing 13) Kelly is always .... time for school but she is always late when we go out! a) on b) at c) early 14) In the UK children go to ....... school when they are 11. a) primary b) high c) secondary 15) Our class is at the end of this long ...... a) way b) street c) corridor 16) When the weather is bad we have PE lessons in the ..... a) gym b) playgronud c) classroom 17) I like Maths and I usually ..... a good grades in tests. a) do b) get c) make 18) We do a lot of ...... in science lab. a) homework b) equipment c) experiments 19) I have to ....... homework before I watch TV. a) do b) make c) take 20) It is not a good idea to ....... in exams. a) pass b) cheat c) do well


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