1) Выберите правильные предложения, обратите внимание на форму глагола to be (is, are). a) There is two cats in the room. b) There is three cats in the room. c) There is some cats in the room. d) There are much sugar in your tea.  e) There is much sugar in your tea. f) There is no sugar in your tea. 2) Найдите правильный перевод предложения: "В стакане есть вода". a) There is a water in the glass. b) There is a little water in the glass. c) There are some water in the glass. d) There is some water in the glass. e) There are many water in the glass. f) There is no water in the glass. 3) Выберите правильное вопросительное предложение:   a) Is there some pencils in your bag? b) Is there any pencils in your bag? c) Are there some pencils in your bag? d) There is any pencils in your bag? e) Are there any pencils in your bag? f) In your bag there are any pencils? 4) Выберите правильные словосочетания: a) много детей - much children b) мало детей - few children c) много детей - a few children d) много  снега - much snow e) немного снега - a few snow f) мало снега - little snow 5) Спросите, "сколько", использовав how many или how much a) How much friends do you have? b) How many time do you usually sleep? c) How many times a week  do you go to school? d) How much lessons do you have everyday? e) How many books are there in your bag? f) How much milk is there in the glass? 6) Нaйдите правильный перевод предложения: "У меня в сумке нет тетрадей". a) There are no many copybooks in my bag. b) There are not many copybooks in my bag. c) There is not many copybooks in my bag. d) There are no copybooks in my bag. e) There are not any copybooks in my bag. f) There is no copybooks in my bag. 7) Найдите правильные предложения a) There are not much snow in the street. b) There are a few snow in the street. c) There is a few snow in the street. d) There is some snow in the street. e) Is there any snow in the street? f) There is not any snow in the street. 8) Выберите правильные словосочетания: a) how many sugar? b) how much time? c) how much black cats? d) how many times? e) how many days? f) how much water? 9) Найди правильные предложения: a) There are some milk in the glass. b) There is a few milk in the glass. c) There is no milk in the glass.  d) Are there any milk in the glass?   e) Is there a little milk in the glass?  f) How much milk is there in the glass? 10) Найдите самый точный перевод предложения: "В кошельке есть немного денег, мы можем пойти в кино". a) There is much money in my wallet, we can go to the cinema.. b) There is many money in my wallet, we can go to the cinema. c) There is few money in my wallet, we can go to the cinema. d) There is little money in my wallet, we can go to the cinema. e) There is a few money in my wallet, we can go to the cinema. f) There is a little money in my wallet, we can go to the cinema.


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