next year / probably, tomorrow evening / going to, On Friday / Present Continuous, Next year / possibly, In 2025 / certainly, when I am 70 / going to, when the pandemic ends / definitely, this weekend / gonna, ask your partner / going to, in the next five years / might, when I am 70 / might, when the pandemic ends [ask your partner], in the next five years / definitely [ask your partner], in the long term / probably, in the medium term / gonna, in the medium term / gonna [ask your partner], in the short term / the Present Continuous, on your project / soon, at work / this month / probably, at work / this year / I hope, in the next half year / I think, after class, after class [ask your partner], in the distant future, in the near future, in the foreseeable future, in the unforeseeable future, shortly, a short / long time from now, in ten year's time [ask your partner], in the next ten years, in a month or two.


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