1) My mother ... her bike. a) ride b) rides 2) His brother ... with his toys. a) play b) plays 3) Your sister ... her homework. a) do b) does 4) Her father ... the piano. a) play b) plays 5) My family and I ... computer games. a) play b) plays 6) Your uncle ... TV. a) watch b) watches 7) His aunt ... English classes. a) have b) has 8) Our grandmothers ... for a walk. a) go b) goes 9) Their grandfathers ... jogging. a) go b) goes 10) My cousin ... swimming. a) go b) goes 11) My cousins ... the net. a) surf b) surfs 12) My parents ... . a) sing b) sings 13) Her grandparents ... hide-and-seek. a) play b) plays 14) Her grandmother ... books. a) read b) reads 15) His grandfather ... a horse. a) ride b) rides 16) Your aunts ... football. a) play b) plays 17) Her uncles ... the piano. a) play b) plays 18) Her sisters ... a bike. a) ride b) rides 19) My brothers ... computer games. a) play b) plays 20) My brother and I ... TV. a) watch b) watches 21) My sister and I ... English classes. a) have b) has 22) My mother and father ... for a walk. a) go b) goes 23) You and Mike ... jogging. a) go b) goes 24) You and your aunt ... swimming. a) go b) goes 25) My uncle and aunt ... their homework. a) do b) does


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