1) I __ that you cooked this meal yourself. a) don't believe b) am not believing 2) Come on, let's order. The waiter __. a) comes b) is coming 3) Kate __ to have dinner now. She isn't hungry. a) doesn't want b) isn't wanting 4) The head chef is ill, so he __today a) doesn't work b) isn't working 5) The bill __ very expensive to me. a) seems b) is seeming 6) We've had an argument and now we __ to each other. a) don't speak b) aren't speaking 7) Mum __ my diet is awful these days. a) thinks b) is thinking 8) __ to go shopping today? a) Do we need b) Are we needing 9) Can I call you back? I __ lunch right now. a) have b) am having 10) I didn't use to like oily fish, but now I __ it. a) love b) am loving 11) Your cake is wonderful! It __ like one my mother used to make. a) tastes b) is tasting

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