Kristallnacht - 1938, Night of the Long Knives - 1933, Hitler becomes Chancellor - 1933, Young Plan - 1929, Dawes Plan - 1924, Treaty of Versailles - 1919, Ruhr and Inflation Crisis - 1923, Compulsory Year of Duty - 1937, Nuremburg Race Laws - 1935, Hindenburg Dies - 1934, Reichstag Fire - 1933, Enabling Law - 1933, Operation Valkyrie - 1944, Nazis become largest party in Reichstag - 1932, Wall Street Crash - 1929, Entry to League of Nations - 1926, Year Stresseman comes into Chancellorship - 1924, Kapp Putsch - 1920, Munich Putsch - 1923, Spartacist Uprising - 1933, Invasion of Poland - 1939, Invasion of USSR - 1941, Communists banned - 1934, Passive Resistance to occupation - 1923,


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