1) How much ... a) is it? b) are they? 2) How much ... a) is it? b) are they? 3) How much ... a) are they? b) is it? 4) How much is it? a) It's 30€. b) They are 30€. 5) How much ... a) is it? b) are they? 6) How much ... a) is it? b) are they? 7) How much are the trainers? a) They're 40€. b) It's 40€. 8) How much is the coat? a) It's 50€. b) They're 50€. 9) Can I have the green hat, please? a) Here you are. b) Wow! I like it. 10) How much ... a) is it? b) are they?

How much is/are


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