1) What is collective communication? a) it transmit the message in public, in an indirect and unilateral way, to a varied, numerous and dispersed public b) Exchange relation in wich 2 or more people share their perception of reality , with the purpose of changing something  c) shrek 2) What is interpersonal communication  a) Interpersonal communication is the communication where exchange of ideas and information happens between two or more people by any channel. This can be face to face, online, over the phone, or in written forms as well. b) It's principal objective it's reduce the time used for communication sending just one message to society  c) It’s about tribe, it’s about power, we say hungry, put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours 3) What is intrapersonal communication? a) This is oral communication, or any telecommunication made under circumstances creating a reasonable expectation of privacy. This form of communication can reach its intended receiver through devices such as smartphones, pagers, and computers. b) Intrapersonal communication is the communication done with oneself. Included are the thoughts, assessments, contemplations, and feelings that are associated with one’s inner communication. c) jijijij ja 4) What is private communication? a) It is characterized by a temporal or spatial distance, with place simultaneity. b) s being face to face with another speaker using verbal language & body language with the objective of making the message richer, without using technological devices that keep the actors involved distant from each other. c) This is oral communication, or any telecommunication made under circumstances creating a reasonable expectation of privacy. This form of communication can reach its intended receiver through devices such as smartphones, pagers, and computers. 5) what means mass communication? a) t's principal objective it's reduce the time used for communication sending just one message to society b) I just need someone in my life c) To give it structure 6) what is public communication? a) Is communication with oneself using internal vocalization or reflective thinking b) Public communication means a communication made in identical form to multiple persons or to the world at large, as by television, radio, motion picture, newspaper, pamphlet, mass mailing, letterhead, business card, or directory. c) I don't know  7) What means personal communication? a) is between person to person, and it is the necessary Communication between two people making man a social animal b) It is characterized by a temporal or spatial distance, with place simultaneity. place simultaneity. c) I don't know 8) What is direct communication? a) Is being face to face with another speaker using verbal language & body language with the objective of making the message richer, without using technological devices that keep the actors involved distant from each other. b) This is oral communication, or any telecommunication made under circumstances creating a reasonable expectation. c) I don't know 9) What is indirect communication? a) I don't know b) It is characterized by a temporal or spatial distance, with place simultaneity. When using the phone or a chat, or watching live transmission of TV shows or radio events, the distance is spatial, with temporal simultaneity of emission and reception. c) It’s about tribe, it’s about power, we say hungry, put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours



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