1) The horse's neck is .... than the giraffe's neck. a) shorter b) the shortest c) more short 2) That is ... food for kittens. a) the best b) better c) the goodest d) goodder 3) The red car is ... than the black car. a) gooder b) better c) the best d) the goodest 4) It is ..... snake in the Zoo. a) long b) longer c) the longest d) the most long 5) My book is ... than your book. a) interestinger b) most interesting c) more interesting d) the more interesting 6) I am ... boy in the class. a) clevere b) clever c) the cleverest d) the most clever 7) The little bird is ... than the big bird. a) beautiful b) the most beautiful c) more beautiful 8) Ted is ... than Mike. a) bad b) worse c) the worst 9) Which is .... animal? a) the most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautiful d) beautifulest 10) His bike is ... than his car. a) older b) oldest c) more old d) old 11) Who is ... student in your class? a) bad b) the worst c) worse d) the baddest 12) The ice-cream is ... than the apple. a) tastier b) tasty c) the tastiest d) more tasty 13) My little sister is .... girl I know. a) funniest b) the funniest c) funnier d) the most funny 14) Which is ... story in the book? a) interesting b) the most interestinest c) the most interesting d) more interesting


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