I won 100,000 dollars and I don't know how to spend it. What should I do?, If you have a lot of things to get done in one week, how do you manage? What advice would you give someone who is very busy?, My son doesn't want to go to school. He says that his teacher and all other students hate him. What should I do?, My girlfriend left me. I feel depressed. What should I do?, I hate working. What should I do?, Are young people generally more selfish than their parents and grandparents?, Some people say that men age better than women, and remain attractive longer. Do you agree? Explain your opinion., Some people say that men never grow up, they just get bigger. Do you agree? Explain your opinion., Some people say that young women are usually two to three years more mature than young men. Do you agree? Explain your opinion., Are you afraid of getting old?, What advice would you give to an older person who wants to feel young?, Some people say that youth is a state of mind, do you agree?, Where do you see yourself when you are 70 years old?, What are various ways people respond to anger?, What annoys you about living where you live now?, What kind of people annoy you?, Do you feel bad after you have an argument?, Are you easily persuaded in an argument?, How do you feel when someone disagrees with everything you have to say?, Do you think it's disrespectful to argue with your elders?, What traits do you look for in a conversation partner?, Who communicates better: men or women?, Do you always want to be right?, Does beauty affect one's success in life?, Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?, How important is beauty in your daily life?, How much time should be spent on making yourself look better each day?, What are some of the drawbacks of being beautiful?, Do you think change is important?, What is the most difficult change you have ever had to make?, What is one thing that you think you will never change about yourself?, What did you like to do when you were a child?, Do you remember anything about your personality when a child?, What country would you like to visit?, What country would you like to live in and why?, Is creativity a good thing? Why or why not?, Do you think creativity comes with time and thought or you are born with creative talent?, Describe a perfect date., Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? Describe some of them., Do you generally have pleasant dreams or nightmares?, When you were a child, what was your dream for the future? Has it changed?, Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them., Do you have any long distance friends?, What do you usually do with your friends?, What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?, Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becoming a girlfriend or boyfriend?, Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?, There is a proverb that says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree?, What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best friend?, Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?.


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