1) make/get the most of a) use all the potential b) spend time with c) annoyed d) agree 2) pamper yourself a) something you'll definitely like b) let yourself have c) agree d) do something very pleasant for yourself 3) explore your own backyard a) if it's not urgent b) get help up in a congestion c) use all the potential d) see places in the closest proximity 4) treat yourself (to) a) let yourself have b) spend a lot of money on c) do sth you were supposed to do earlier d) use all the potential 5) set aside time (for) a) make time for b) let yourself have c) spend time with d) reduce 6) splurge on a) treat yourself in a special way b) spend a lot of money on c) get help up in a congestion d) do sth you were supposed to do earlier 7) if it's not pressing a) if it's not urgent b) do something very pleasant for yourself c) something you'll definitely like d) reduce 8) cut down on a) see places in the closest proximity b) reduce c) let yourself have d) having little money 9) catch up on household jobs a) try b) make time for c) something you'll definitely like d) do sth you were supposed to do earlier 10) get stuck in traffic jams a) if it's not urgent b) spend time with c) whatever you like d) get help up in a congestion 11) just the thing for you a) something you'll definitely like b) if it's not urgent c) see places in the closest proximity d) tolerate 12) fed up with a) annoyed b) try c) let yourself have d) choose 13) short of money a) having little money b) if it's not urgent c) do sth you were supposed to do earlier d) do something very pleasant for yourself 14) opt to a) choose b) treat yourself in a special way c) annoyed d) agree 15) put up with a) having little money b) see places in the closest proximity c) tolerate d) annoyed 16) hang out with a) something you'll definitely like b) having little money c) see places in the closest proximity d) spend time with 17) go along with a) agree b) let yourself have c) choose d) spend time with 18) have a go at a) something you'll definitely like b) spend time with c) do sth you were supposed to do earlier d) try 19) whatever takes your fancy a) try b) treat yourself in a special way c) something you'll definitely like d) whatever you like 20) indulge yourself a) get help up in a congestion b) treat yourself in a special way c) reduce d) whatever you like

B2 Outcomes Unit 2 Staycation Vocab VIDEO+TEXT 1


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