My sister works as a flight attendant. She often has a ____ ____ when she changes time ____. She can't ____ up in the morning. Krupówki is an extremely popular place in Zakopane. This street is always ____. There are always ____ ____ ____. Things are much more ____ than in other places. This is a real ____ ____! I'm tired of school and my everyday life. I need to ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. I'm going to go to Bieszczady for a week or two. I have already booked a cozy ____ near the lake. I can't ____! Most of travellers visit only the ____ places. I try to avoid tourist ____ and popular routes. My family and I always go ____ ____ ____ ____. It is a great ____ to find a ____ ____ - a beautiful place which not many people know about. Last year I went to the USA. It was amazing! It was the ____ ____ ____ ____! Next week I'm going to a ____ ____. I can't wait! I have already started packing my ____. I'm taking my ____ to protect my eyes and a ____ to protect my skin from the sun. We are staying in a forest. There will be a lot of flies and mosquitos so I have to take an ____ ____. I'm on a five-day ____ ____ in London. I didn't have much money but when I found ____ ____ I decided to buy plane tickets. This city is fantastic! I'm staying at ____ where there is breakfast included. Tomorrow I'm going on a ____ ____ to Manchester. I'm leaving early in the morning and coming back in the evening. Can't wait! A ____ ____ is a good option for young travellers who don't have much money for accommodation.A ____ ____ is for those who have a lot of money. In a ____, you stay with a family. A ____ is a holiday house in the mountains or at the lake. You can put up a tent at a ____ or you can attach a ____ to the back of your car.

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