Ageing can be slowed down and reversed., Socio-economic status influences a child's intelligence., Should a nutrition class be included for grade school and high school?, Mental pain forges one's character., Should the government regulate fast-food chains?, Man can exercise free will and is accountable for anything he does in any circumstance., Can mental pain be fatal?, Science in high school should be optional., Atheism is better than any religion., Should genetic engineering of humans be considered ethical?, Are antidepressants a good solution?, Medical research should be focused on increasing the health-span and not the life-span., Transgender, a reality or a gender identity disorder?, Human overpopulation is a threat to humans., Is obesity a disease?, Does prayer have the power to heal?, Should fast-food restaurants be blamed for obesity?, Should an alcoholic be allowed a liver transplant?, Intelligence is gained from genes and not surroundings., Is animal experimentation justifiable with humans progress in medicine?, Should humans be blamed for animal extinctions or it is a part of evolution?, How will the world end?, Does fishing threaten the makeup of the marine ecosystem?, Is pedigree breeding an unethical practice? Is articficial intelligence a threat to humans?, Is technology helping people or making them lazy?, Is hacking always wrong?, Can computers or robots ever displace doctors?, Is artificial intelligence the next stage in evolution?, Do nuclear weapons make the world less safe?, Does technology make people more isolated?, Is genetic engineering dangerous in the long run?, Is mars exploration worth the investment?, Should the death penalty be banned?, Junk food should be taxed to subsidize social health care..


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