1) Where is Greece? a) Europe b) Asia c) Africa 2) Which city is NOT in Greece? a) Athens b) Sparta c) Troy 3) Where can you pray to gods? a) temple b) agora c) port 4) Athens and Sparta were… a) heroes b) city-states c) gods 5) Minotaur was a monster with… a) a body of a cow and a human head b) a body of a human and a head of a bull c) a body of a human and a head of a tiger 6) What is this? a) Amphora b) Krater c) Kylix 7) What's this? a) A vase b) An ostracon c) A yo-yo 8) What's this? a) A castle b) A labyrinth c) My classroom 9) What's this? a) the Trojan horse b) the Spartan horse c) the Athenian horse 10) Zeus is the god of a) war b) sky c) theatre 11) Athena is the goddess of a) wat b) war c) waf 12) Hera is the goddess of a) clever people b) family c) ocean 13) Aphrodite is the goddess of a) love b) family c) sea 14) Poseidon is the god of a) water b) sky c) underground 15) Hades is the god of a) Zeus b) water c) death 16) Ares is the god of a) war b) dead c) thunder 17) In Greece people liked a) fighting b) art c) Roblox 18) In Sparta boys left their house when they were a) 18 b) 1 c) 7 19) People in Sparta loved sports and war a) true b) false 20) All girls in Athens went to school a) true b) false 21) Many vases showed scenes from daily life a) true b) false 22) Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia a) true b) false 23) A city-state is called a... a) pole b) polis c) polo 24) King ... was evil. He lived on the Crete and had a labyrinth. a) Minus b) Miner c) Minos 25) All boys there had military training. a) Sparta b) Athens c) Troy 26) The ... is a place for the musicians in Greek theatre. a) orchestra b) skene c) scene

Ancient Greece BIG QUIZ


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