1) Which of the following is Not example of transverse wave a) radio b) light c) sound 2) The diagram shows an example of a) transverse wave b) longitudinal wave c) radio wave 3) From the graph, the period of oscillation is a) 0.4 s b) 0.6 s c) 0.8 s 4) The graph explain about a) resonance b) damping c) refraction 5) Which of the following change after reflection of wave a) wavelenght b) frequency c) direction of wave 6) diagram shows the phenomena of a) reflaction of wave b) refraction of wave c) interference of wave 7) Diagram shows one of the application of.... a) diffraction of wave b) refraction of wave c) interference of wave 8) Diagram shows a) constructive interference b) destructive interference c) simple interference 9) which of the following have the highest wavelength ? a) radiowave b) microwave c) gamma ray 10) Which of the following is not an application of x-ray  a) Detect fractures or broken bones b) Photosynthesis in green plant c) • Bag scanning in airport

Chapter 5: Waves


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