1) Hometown a) Where is your hometown? b) What was it like growing up there? c) What do you like most about living there? d) Do you think you will live there when you are older? 2) Home a) Do you live in an apartment or a house? b) Is it a large apartment/house? c) Who do you live there with? d) What is your favourite room in your apartment/house? 3) Studies a) What is your favourite subject? b) Are you friends with many other students on your classroom? c) What job would you like when you have completed all your studies? d) What do you normally do when you finish school everyday? 4) Free Time a) What type of activities do you like to do in your free time? b) How long have you been interested in these activities? c) Do you like to do these activities alone or with other people? d) Do you think people have enough free time? 5) Family a) How many people are there in your family? b) Do you all live in the same house? c) What things do you like doing together? d) Who is your favorite family member? 6) Timing a) Is being late acceptable in your culture b) Are you ever late for appointments? c) What type of excuses do you think are alright for lateness? d) How do you feel when someone is late for an appointment with you? 7) Neighbors a) Do you know the people who live next door to you? b) How often do you see each other? c) What kind of relationship do you have? d) How can neighbours be helpful? 8) Food a) Do you enjoy cooking? b) What type of things can you cook? c) What kinds of food are popular in your country? d) Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own? 9) Dreams a) Do you dream much at night? b) Do you often remember your dreams? c) Do people in your country talk about their dreams? d) Do you think that dreams can come true? 10) Humour a) What type of programmes do you find funny on TV? b) Which types of programmes are most popular in your country? c) What kind of things make you laugh? d) Do you like to make people laugh? 11) Museums a) Are museums popular in your country? b) Did you visit museums when you were a child? c) Do you like to visit museums nowadays? d) Do you think you should pay to visit museums? 12) Mobile Phones a) Do you have a mobile phone? b) At what age did you first get a mobile? c) What do you most use it for? d) Is it annoying if people use mobiles in public places such as trains and buses? 13) Television a) How many hours a day do you spend watching television? b) What type of television programs do you like to watch?  c) Do you think children in your country watch too much television? d) Do you think television is useful for education? 14) Sport a) What is the most popular type of sport in your country? b) Is there a lot of sport on television in your country? c) What sports do children normally do at school? d) Do you think people do enough sport these days? 15) Writing a) Do you enjoy writing? b) What age do children normally learn to write in your country?  c) Did you used to write a lot when you were a child? d) Do you prefer writing letters or sending emails? 16) Animals a) What is your favorite animal? b) What types of animals do you have in your country? c) What types of animals are kept as pets in your country? d) Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? 17) Dictionaries a) Do you ever use a dictionary? b) Do you prefer paper or electronic dictionaries? c) Are dictionaries used a lot in schools in your country? d) Do you think dictionaries are useful for learning a language? 18) The Sea a) Do you like to go on holiday by the sea? b) Are there many hotels by the sea in your country? c) What kind of activities can people do by the sea? d) How long do people normally visit the sea for when they go on holiday? 19) Flowers a) Have you ever given anybody flowers? b) Is it popular to give flowers to people in your country? c) On what special occasions do people give flowers in your country? d) What kinds of flowers would you like to receive as a present? 20) Public Transport a) What kinds of public transport do they have in your country? b) What kinds of public transport do most people use? c) What is your favourite type of public transport? d) How could public transport in your country be improved 21) Fashion and clothing a) Were you interested in fashion when you were a child? b) Is fashion important to you now? c) What types of clothes are fashionable for young people in your country these days? d) Does fashion change for people as they get older? 22) Birthdays a) What did you usually do on your birthday when you were a child? b) How do you normally celebrate your birthday now? c) Do you think it's important to give someone a card when it's their birthday? d) Do you think the price of a gifts/presents is important? 23) Books a) Do you like reading books? b) What kinds of books do you like to read? c) What is the best book you've ever read? d) Is reading books a popular activity in your country? 24) The Internet a) Do you use The Internet? b) Are children allowed to use The Internet at school in your country?  c) Do you think that The Internet is useful for studying? d) Have you ever used The Internet to buy something? 25) Daily routine a) Tell me about your daily routine b) Has your daily routine changed since you were a child? c) Is your daily routine different at the weekend to during the week? d) What would you like to change about your daily routine? 26) Pets a) Do you have a pet?  b) What types of animals do you think make the best pets? c) Why do people have pets? d) Is there any types of animals that you think should not be kept as a pet? 27) Seasons a) What is your favorite season?  b) Tell me about the different seasons in your country. c) How do the clothes people wear in your country change with the seasons? d) Is tourism popular in a particular season in your country? 28) Photographs a) Do you enjoy taking photographs? b) Do you prefer to take photos with a phone or with a camera? Why? c) Do you take many photographs when you travel? d) d. Do you like looking at photographs of yourself? 29) Music a) What type of music do you like?  b) Do you play a musical instrument?  c) Where & when do you listen to music?  d) Who is/are your favourite singer/band? 30) Your Home a) Do you live in the city or the countryside?  b) Do you live near the sea or the mountains?  c) Do you live in a house or an apartment?  d) Who do you live with? Do you have any pets? 31) Your Family a) Do you have any brothers or sisters?  b) Do you have any cousins?  c) How often do you visit your relatives? d) Tell me about one of your siblings 32) Films and TV a) What type of films do you like?  b) What is your favourite TV programme?  c) How often do you watch TV/films?  d) What device do you use to watch them? 33) Your Studies a) What is your job / What do you study?  b) Where do you study?  c) c. Do you like your school? Why( Why not? d) What subjects do you have? Which one is the most difficult? 34) Your Country a) What country are you from?  b) Where exactly is your country? c) What is your country famous for?  d) What do you love about your country 35) Eating Habits a) What is your favorite dish? b) Do your prefer sweet or salty food? c) What foods do you dislike? d) Do you have a healthy diet? 36) Clothes a) Are clothes important to you? b) What kind of clothes do you usually wear? c) Do you ever wear the traditional clothes of your country? d) Where do you usually buy your clothes? 37) Trees a) Do you like trees? b) Are there many trees in your hometown? c) Do you think there are enough trees in most cities? d) What are the benefits of planting more trees?

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