Less than 4,000 gorillas are ... today., Liars are not... even when they tell the truth., The shepherd boy... Wolf! Wolf! 3 more times., Gorillas are in danger of..., group of sheep, Irresponsible people ... and kill gorillas., People laugh when you make a..., Home of the gorillas, Opposite of female, If you don't tell the truth, you're a..., People who study science are called..., Synonym of "I was just kidding.", Lionel Messi is very .... Everybody knows him., People who live in a village are.., Plural of wolf, He takes care of the sheep. He is a..., During the summer, people like to ... on the beach., Koko communicate using..., Animals that in general have 4 legs or 2 arms and legs., When somebody tells a funny joke you....


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