Did you read anything in English, or see a film in English? Which one?, Did you speak English over the holidays? Who with?, What did you do on New Year's Eve?, Were these holidays 'typical' holidays? Did you do anything different? What?, Can you think of TWO things you were happy about from last year?, What are you looking forward to this year?, Are you going to make any New Year's Resolutions? (stop smoking, lose weight, eat more healthily)), Did you work between December 24th and December 31st?, Did you eat or drink too much over the holiday?, Did you go to a party on December 31st?, Did you get up early on the 1st of January (on New Year's Day)?, If you had another week of holidays, what would you do?, What was the most useful thing you bought last year?, What was the biggest waste of money last year?, Do you have any regrets about last year?.

New Year Questions


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