1) what is the resultant force on x-axis? a) 200 to the left b) 200 to the right c) 0N (zero Newton) 2) what is the resultant force on y-axis? a) 200N to the left b) 200N to the right c) 0N(zero Newton) 3) determine the magnitude Reaction Force? given the weight is 20 000N & the reaction force is 6000N a) 6000N b) 20000N c) 24000N 4) determine the magnitude resultant Force? given the weight is 20 000N, reaction force is 20 000N and driving force is 15 000N a) 15 000N b) 20 000N c) 0N (zero Newton) 5) determine the magnitude of weight? given the reaction force is 800N and driving force is 5 00N a) 500N b) 8000N c) 0N (zero Newton)


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