endangered - nearly extinct, unique - being the only one of its kind, adapted - fitted or suitable, especially for a specific purpose, vegetation - the plants in an area or region; plant life, conserving - protecting from loss or harm; preserving, restore - to bring back to an original condition, guardians - people or things that guard, protect, or watch over, attracted - to cause to draw near; to direct to oneself by some quality or action, regulate - to control or direct according to a rule or law, responsibility - something that one is responsible for; a duty or obligation, review - to look over again; to study or examine, predetermined - decided ahead of time; to determine in advance, enclose - to close in; to surround on all sides, proceed - to move forward; to continue, especially after an interruption, predates - comes before,

Journeys Lesson 8 Vocabulary: Everglades Forever


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