1) The hulk is the _________ Avenger (heavy) . a) heaviest b) heavier  c) most heaviest 2) Jupiter is the ________ planet (big). a) shiniest b) biggest c) most powerful 3) English books are the __________ (interest). a) interestingest b) interester c) most interesting 4) Tokyo is the _________ city in the world (modern). a) most modern b) modernest c) moderner 5) We bought the _________ television (expensive). a) expensivest b) most expensive c) expensiver 6) I bought the _________ ring (shiny). a) shiniest b) most shiniest c) more shiny  7) My room is the ________ in the house (big). a) bigger b) biggest  c) most big 8) The United States is the ____________ country in the world (powerful). a) powerfulest b) powerful c) most powerful 9) The 10 kg weight is the _________(heavy). a) heavy b) the most heavier c) heaviest 10) My house is the __________ in the neighbourhood (modern). a) most modern b) modernest c) moderner 11) Neptune is the _________ planet. a) hottest b) windiest c) smallest 12) Uranus is the __________ planet. a) hottest b) coldest c) biggest


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