1) The coat belongs to the girl. a) the girl's coat  b) the girls' coat 2) The bone belongs to the dog. a) the dogs bone b) the dog’s bone 3) The pencil belongs to the teacher. a) the teacher's pencil b) the teachers' pencil 4) The bags belong to the students. a) the students' bags b) the student's bags  5) The boat belongs to the man. a) the man's boat  b) the mans boat 6) This car belongs to my mother.  a) It is my mother car. b) It is my mother's car.  7) This house belongs to Carla. a) It is Carla's house.  b) It is house's Carla.  8) That doll belongs to my sister . a) It is my sisters doll. b) It is my sister's doll. 9) The notebook belongs to John. a) It is Johns' notebook. b) It is John's notebook. 10) The pencils belong to the children. a) They are the children's pencils. b) They are the childrens' pencils.

Possessive Nouns Game


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