enter into the chatbox/, Here we go! We’ve got an amazing presenter today!/, A little bit of my journey through /cooperative care with my dog/, What is the title of your presentation?/, How long have you been in the /industry/?, This webinar is designed to (for)/, I'm gonna go through /a few big topics in adolescence/, we’re gonna change that perspective and /, feel free to jump in whenever /you have questions /, Go ahead and unmute yourself/, Nice to be here! /Thank you for having me!/, Let me go and bring ….. to the stage/, If you have registered and signed up, /you’ll get a freebie/, So we’ve got a great presentation coming from you today/, Tell us a little bit about you/, I’m going to bring our presenter up in just a moment and/, We’ve got our expert-speaker coming in!/, I'm all about /the behavior/ , I'll refer you to /some research /.


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