True: Larger parties have access to more money than smaller parties, The Labour Party receive less money from Trade Unions than they used to, The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act of 2000 regulates party funding, Donations of over £7500 have to be placed on an electoral register, The Political Parties and Elections Act restricts donation from non UK residents, 2015-2017 Conservatives received £11.3m in donations, In 2016 and 2017 both Labour and Conservatives were fined for breaking election finance rules, Policy Development Grants are a way in which parties are funded by the state., False: Conservatives receive funding from Trade Unions, You have to declare any donation of £400 or more, Cash for Honours refers to people buying university degrees, Unison Trade Union gave £657k in donations to the Lib Dems in 2017, Short Money is money given to opposition parties in the House of Lords, Political parties receive no state funding at all,


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