1) Na INTERROGATIVE, o auxiliar DOES é usado com... a) I - HE - SHE - IT. b) HE - SHE - IT. c) I - YOU - WE - THEY. 2) COMPLETE: _____ Peter play basketball well? a) IS b) DOES c) DO d) drinks 3) Que auxiliar usamos para a INTERROGATIVE com I - YOU - WE - THEY? a) DOES b) ARE c) DO 4) COMPLETE: _____ you like mango? a) ARE b) DO c) DOES 5) COMPLETE: _____ John and Peter eat together? a) ARE b) DOES c) DO 6) Na INTERROGATIVE FORM, o verbo principal fica... a) no INF-to. b) no futuro. c) no INF +to. 7) COMPLETE: What _____ your wife want: mango or orange? a) ARE b) DOES c) DO 8) COMPLETE: Where _____ you live? I _____ in Brazil. a) DO / lives b) DOES / to live c) DO / live 9) COMPLETE: _____ your friend Tom _____ English on Fridays? No, he _____. a) DOES / study / DOESN'T b) DOES / studies / DON'T c) DO / to study / DOESN'T 10) COMPLETE: Where _____ you _____ every Sunday morning? I _____ to church with my family. a) DO / goes / to go b) DOES / to go / goes c) DO / go / go


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