Allow them to create a video as an alternative to a written task, Allow them to make a classroom presentation as an alternative to a written task, Allow them to participate as illustrators in a group class project as an alternative to individual written work, Allow them to be part of a panel discussion in a group class project as an alternative to individual written work, Give two alternative answers to choose from instead of an open question, Record instructions to a task and provide recording material for them to also record their answers, Allow them to type assignments using classroom PC or similar , Eliminate handwriting as much as possible, Provide electronic spell checkers instead of dicitonaries, Ignore spelling mistakes on written assignments, If there is a space for spelling tests in an assessment sheet just leave the space empty , Provide information on organisations where they can find materials with audiobooks, Teach so that they learn by watching demonstrations or videos instead of reading / lecturing, Teach so that they learn by participating in discussions instead of reading / lecturing, Teach so that they learn by participating in hands-on experiments instead of reading / lecturing, Brainstorm ways that they can make the classroom a safe place to make mistakes, Reduce their anxiety by privately sharing that you will never force them to read out loud in class without their permission, Do not force them to read out loud in class without showing them the passage in advance so they can practice ahead of time, Never allow other students to correct their assignments, Never collect or distribute papers by passing them down the row where other students can see their spelling mistakes and poor handwriting, Never collect or distribute papers by passing them down the row where other students can see their spelling mistakes and poor handwriting, Express it clearly that their difficulties are not due to laziness, Explain that their difficulties are not due to a lack of intelligence, Clarify that their difficulties are not due to a lack of motivation, Clarify that their difficulties are not due to a lack of motivation, Insert pauses into your lectures to give them time to process that auditory information, Insert breaks into your presentations by writing down a key word, Insert breaks into your presentations by demonstrating a concept, Insert breaks into your presentations by showing a picture, Insert breaks into your presentations by asking a question.

Classroom Accommodation for Dyslexic Students (inspired by BrightSolutions.US)


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