twenty - 二十 Èr shí, Thirty-three - 三十三 sān shí sān, Fifty - 五十 wǔ shí, one hundred - 一百 yī bǎi, shop - 商店 shāngdiàn, supermarket - 超市 chāoshì, post office - 邮局 yóujú, how much is it? - 多少钱? duōshǎo qián?, Yuan (chinese currency) - 元 Yuán, Seventy-eight yuan. - 七十八元。 qīshíbā yuán., Do you have fries (or chips)? - 你有没有薯条? Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu shǔ tiáo?, I have fries (or chips). - 我有薯条。 Wǒ yǒu shǔ tiáo., Where is the store? - 商店在哪里? Shāngdiàn zài nǎlǐ?, shop is in Hong Kong. - 商店在香港。 Shāngdiàn zài xiānggǎng., How much is a T-shirt? - T裇衫多少钱? T xū shān duōshǎo qián?, Eighty-five dollars. - 八十五元。 Bāshíwǔ yuán., How much are the hamburgers? - 汉堡包多少钱? Hànbǎobāo duōshǎo qián?, Twenty-one dollars. - 二十一元。 Èrshíyī yuán., Do they have chocolate? - 他们有没有巧克力? Tāmen yǒu méiyǒu qiǎokèlì?, They don't have chocolate. - 他们没有巧克力。 Tāmen méiyǒu qiǎokèlì.,

Primary School Chinese Book 3 Lesson 3


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