Russia - divers place a New Year' tree into the Lake Baikal, the world.s deepest lake., Denmark - people throw old broken dishes at their friends' front door, Spain - eating 12 grapes as the clock strikes midnight is considered good luck, Switzerland - people drop a bit of a cream onto the floor to bring them good luck., Venezuela - people write a wish on a piece of paper and then burn it so that the wish may come true, Italy - people wear red underwear to bring them good luck, Mexico - people carry empty suitcases around the house, esp. if they want to travel in the new year., Austria - people like to waltz when midnight strikes , Puerto Rico - people throw a bucket of water outside the window at midnight to get rid of bad spirits, Ireland - people bang bread on doors and walls to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck, Sweden and Norway - finding an almond in rice pudding on New Year's Eve, The Phillipines - people believe that round things bring good luck so they wear clothes with polka dots,

how is new year celebrated in different countries


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